Saturday 1 August 2009


sorry. I just had to share this. Four years in the waiting (FOUR years), I finally found them on Ebay in the right colour and the right size. I had given up already, and when I won them, I was like "well, about time. yay." But they've arrived today, and they freakin' rock. I had decided to quit flat shoes for a while to wear only platforms in the city, but I think I'm gonna live in those for the rest of this year. And the next. Thank you.


  1. WOW!!! quase morri! docaralho!
    *desculpe a linguagem chula. hahaha

    beijo! bom final de semana

  2. hahahaha!
    Ahhh eu vi sua pochete de oncinha, no post do festival. Mas ah, você tava de cycle shorts + Vivienne boots! Aí ok. Mas eu tenho uma coisa ruim com pochetes, acho bréga no último por que quando me falam em pochete me vem na cabeça aquelas de couro enormes, horrorosas terríveis que os brasileiros tem mania de usar. Mas é puro preconceito meu. haha

